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Feb 17, 2025What Are Your Top 5 Relationship Goals? – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice
- Oct 30, 2023

We all have different preferences that are important to us in a partnership, but having a few big goals that you both agree on as a couple, is such a healthy way to maintain your relationship. Being on the same priority page will always keep your love on track. Here are 5 goals that I suggest implementing on a regular basis.
1. Communication and openness.
If you can discuss things together as a couple without hesitation, you will always stay connected. Many couples forget the importance of this simple goal and their relationship eventually breaks down due to the absence of regular communication.
When you deal with things head-on within your partnership, you are not letting things build up, and you always know where you stand with each other. Arguments happen less frequently because you both know how to have a conversation about anything troublesome before it escalates into a bigger problem.
You are emotionally available for one another and comprehend how to prioritize your partner’s feelings. You are not always going to agree on everything, all the time, but honoring one another and hearing any concerns, shows that you both care to listen, and make any necessary changes.
It is also important to understand that communication isn’t always just about correcting any wrongdoing, it is also about sharing happy discussions as well. Telling your partner that you are thankful for things they do around the house and appreciating who they are as your partner keeps a couple close. Showing regular reciprocated gratitude for your partnership will keep things in a place of contentment.
2. Love each other unconditionally.
When you love each other unconditionally, you are not only supportive of your partner’s concerns and well-being, but you are listening to them and giving validation to what they may be going through at any particular time. Unconditional love means you are not looking for anything in return, but when you both give back in your partnership, it solidifies the love between you and offers balance and longevity.
One of the biggest concerns in many relationships is when someone does not feel supported or heard. They may even feel judged and eventually become lonely living with their partner due to a feeling of disconnect. There is no question that relationships take work, but making time each day to be there for each other will not only sustain the love between you both, it will also continually help you to evolve at a similar pace as a couple moving forward.
When unconditional love is reciprocated, you truly enjoy doing things for your partner, and you appreciate things done for you in return. There is a mutual respect that keeps you close and feeling loved. Some couples make the mistake of taking things for granted in their partnerships, and this becomes a problem that causes the demise of their love over time. Don’t let this happen to you. Always make it a priority to care about each other every day. There is no room for complacency.
Photo by Moisés Solórzano
3. Be active together on a regular basis – couples who play together, stay together. (This includes intimacy and romance.)
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
When you do things together as a couple outside your home life, it keeps you closely connected. It allows you time to de-stress, and have a little fun with each other away from everyday challenges of work schedules and family expectations. Laughter is a cure for all those aggravations you may have to deal with on a daily basis.
Changing up your mindset for a few hours every few days gives you a different outlook and makes you appreciate your relationship despite some of those tedious trials and tribulations you have to endure. Life isn’t easy, that’s for sure, but if you learn to enjoy the good things that are available to you, it is so much easier to handle those tougher tasks when they transpire.
Taking some time away from responsibilities as a couple will give you a much better perspective on why you are together in a committed partnership. If you don’t nurture the love between you, it can become a long-term issue that doesn’t repair itself. The kids don’t need your attention every minute of the day, and the gardening and housework can wait an extra few days. Always prioritize your relationship first and foremost.
This is a great time to bring up intimacy and romance. This is such an important part of any partnership, but unfortunately, many couples let this slide because they are too busy with other things they deem as more important. There needs to be a discussion and compromise about how to implement love-making into your weekly schedules.
Romance and sexual interaction are the glue of any long-standing happy relationship. When sex starts to take a back seat as a priority in your home, it is the beginning of changes to come. You always want to know that your partner desires you and is attracted to you, despite which anniversary you may be celebrating. Sit down and talk about what you both would like to implement when it comes to intimacy.
Photo by cottonbro studio
Write down intimate date nights on the calendar and commit to them. Take turns planning the date. It could be as simple as a picnic in bed or a shared bubble bath. We all have budget concerns, but intimate moments don’t have to cost a lot when you use a little creativity.
Be very careful not to ignore your partner’s needs when it comes to this part of your relationship. Infidelity is a big problem when couples disregard the importance of sexual interaction. I have spoken to many clients who regret not making intimacy a regular part of their partnership. Compromising in the bedroom is one thing, but denying your partner love and physical attention is a one-way street that’s hard to come back from. Don’t be the last to know that your partner has checked out of your relationship.
4. Loyalty and Respect!
You always have each other’s back and stand up for one another! You don’t share personal information with your friends or family, and never talk badly about each other, regardless of what may be going on at home. Furthermore, you are very communicative by always talking things out and you stay private as a couple. When you respect each other, you automatically stay loyal in your partnership. You both have boundaries that are adhered to and honored by each of you.
You understand and respect what is important to your partner and vice versa. Being on the same page clearly enhances a relationship, but you also have to remember that you are two unique people who will have different needs occasionally. This is totally OK and should be accepted and compromised by both of you. Appreciating each other’s differences is a mature way to nurture your partnership because you love everything about them. You also add something new to each other’s lives.
5. Evolve together as a couple. Stay connected.
It is important to grow together in your relationship as the years go by. Reciprocated support and encouragement for each other’s accomplishments should also be a top priority. Being jealous or competitive with each other will not enable growth and will cause insecurities to form.
Allow each other to be yourselves, but include your partner in your new achievements or goals. Invite them to special events or a sporting competition you may be involved with. Keep them in the loop as to what will be transpiring, so they don’t feel excluded. It will help you both to stay connected because there aren’t any questions or secretive actions taking place.
Try new things as a couple but give each other respectful space as well. One of my good friends has a “man cave” and his wife has a “she shed.” They take time out from each other every day in their private space and have one of the best partnerships I know. They enjoy their alone time but also look forward to spending time together after as well. When there are no major restrictions or control in a relationship, it is a much healthier place to be as a couple.
Say I love you and compliment each other often. Take the time to look good for yourself and your partner. When you both make an effort, you will always feel loved and appreciated within your partnership. This will also give you a wonderful closeness that can help you survive any issues that arise over the years. When you evolve and grow together as a couple, you are not only lovers, you are life partners and best friends.
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Thank you, Sybersue xo ❤️
Private Dating Relationship Coaching With Sybersue – Please contact me at [email protected] and message me there to set up a video call or voice call appointment within 24 hours. Thank you!
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