Relationship & Dating

The Pressure of Perfect Timing and Being in a Relationship – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

  • Feb 18, 2025
  • 76
The Pressure of Perfect Timing and Being in a Relationship – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

Thank you for visiting Dear Sybersue. Today I’m discussing, understanding the impact of timing on love and relationships.

Some men and women wait for the precise time to start a relationship. This means holding back until they’re in the perfect alignment financially, emotionally or professionally. Waiting for these flawless conditions prevents spontaneous encounters. This often becomes problematic by overlooking a potential partner due to rigid beliefs or goals. Or in some situations, letting the one get away that was your soul connection. We have all heard those stories!

Some people develop an unrealistic picture of what a partnership should look like. They want everything properly positioned at the precise moment that suits them. They are only attracted to a certain type as well. This eliminates possible romantic connections that could be a good fit. It’s akin to swiping left continually on a dating app because no one measures up to your taste.

There is no such thing as the perfect partner. Waiting for things to transform to that level, can be detrimental to finding your person. Many men and women have missed out on having a great relationship due to this exact reason.

Common Timing Mistakes in Relationships

  1. People can be so picky that they don’t let anyone in. They are looking for perfection in a partner and can often end up single and lonely.
  2. Some women have prioritized their careers for years and forfeited having children due to this scenario. Sadly, there are some regrets once the biological clock has expired.
  3. A similar thing can transpire for a woman ready to have a baby in her relationship. She is left waiting for her partner to fully commit to starting a family. She then finds out much later that her partner is not interested in having children. This also happens with men who want children, but their partner keeps postponing getting pregnant. Years go by, and they are left feeling deceived.
  4. Some men and women become serial daters for a long period. They enjoy the game of catch and release. This includes one-night stands or many short-lived scenarios.
  5. Timing can also become a problem where people prioritize their finances over everything else. They want their bank account in the perfect place to have their lives set up. Having a relationship is put on hold and is the last piece of the puzzle. This does not end well in many cases, as the dating pool becomes less available as the years go by.

Please listen to what someone tells you early on when you are dating them. If they tell you they are not sure whether they want children, believe them. If they are not ready to be in a committed relationship, believe them. Please don’t spend energy trying to change someone’s mind. You will be left heartbroken if you continue this practice.

How to Balance Expectations and Timing in Love.

I am an advocate for taking your time in getting to know someone. However, there is a limit to how long that is. There can be too many expectations from both sexes about what they want in a partnership. One of the great things that makes relationships wonderful, is evolving together as a couple.

Having the perfect foundation is not always possible in your younger years. You have to work together as a team to improve your life together. It certainly doesn’t have to be perfect from the beginning. Achieving relationship goals together is rewarding, and enhances your connection. It is very important to be on the same life path in a committed partnership.

You appreciate a lot more in your partnership when you work together as a couple.

Some people want to have everything aligned and ready to go, but that’s not always the best approach. When you pressure yourself to meet difficult milestones, you miss out on many of life’s simple blessings. You can overthink things, and become very serious about everything. Your life is meant to be fun, it’s not always about perfection.

When you are ready for a relationship, the first few dates are very important.

This is when you should be sharing your goals and some expectations about what you’re looking for. Listen to their answers and really hear what they’re saying. If they are not on board with what is important to you, you need to pay attention and hear them. Thank them for their honesty, but tell them that you’re looking for more in a partnership. It’s always wonderful to meet new people, but knowing when to walk away is crucial to your happiness.

Life is a huge learning curve. You’re not meant to be rigid and have everything perfectly aligned before you let love in. Relationships are not supposed to follow a strict timeline. Things should unfold naturally. It is important to embrace unpredictability and some of the imperfections that all partnerships go through.

Enjoying the journey together helps you to grow as a couple. Having fewer high-maintenance expectations in your partnership will allow for a more spontaneous flow. This will preserve a reciprocated bond that keeps you close as a couple throughout your years together.

Please watch the video below for more information on Today’s topic!

Private Dating Relationship Coaching With Sybersue – Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me @ [email protected] and message me there to set up a video or audio appointment within 24 hours. Thank you!

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