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Feb 11, 2025The #1 Sign You’re With A Superior Man – The Feminine Woman – Dating, Love & Relationship Advice for Women
- Jan 17, 2025

What is the absolute number one sign you’re with a superior man? Is it his superior intelligence? Superior strength or wealth? No, it’s none of those things.
My name is Renee. My husband and I have been teaching masculine feminine polarity for the past 15 years.
And if you were to ask me what constituted a “superior” man 10 years ago, I would have given you a very different answer.
Because it’s easy to get influenced by the media and hollywood. It’s easy to be distracted by shiny objects or symbols of success.
You might even be influenced by David Deida’s book “The Way of The Superior Man”, but in real life, things don’t always look the same way.
What Women Think Makes A Man Superior
In fact, I asked the 14 thousand members in my facebook group what they believe would be the sign they’ve found a superior man, and they said things like the following:
And all these are decent answers, at least as it pertains to what makes a superior man in most women’s minds.
But I’ve spent the last 15 years coaching women on how to attract high value men and easily and effortlessly inspire emotional commitment from these men.
And in those 15 years, I’ve come away with a deeper appreciation and understanding for what constitutes true masculinity and value in a man when it comes to his relationship with a woman.
If you’re anything like me, then you need and want a man who is intelligent and can take you places you cannot go by yourself as a woman. This type of man makes your life infinite.
How Can You Measure A Man’s Superiority?
So first things first: how exactly can we measure a man’s superiority?
The true measure of a man’s superiority is his value in comparison to other men.
Men mostly compete with each other to win high value mates, not with other women.
So we find the answer to this question of what makes a superior man by looking at the innate strengths that the masculine men of the world have that women don’t have.
I’m talking about those innate biases and skills that masculine men lean towards and that many feminine women lack, because they’re built to excel at different tasks.
Also, it’s what women tend to lack in natural skills that makes men valuable to them in a relationship.
Those skills that women value in short and long term relationships that can be intuitively felt by women all across the globe.
Men are born without a womb and without the ability to bear children. They are built stronger, faster and hairier than women.
Women’s bodies are built with the innate ability to produce an egg a month and to potentially bear children, whether they do choose to bear children or not.
So these two huge differences naturally make resourceful men high value as a mate, and conversely, radiant and healthy women have high mate value to men.
So women greatly value a man’s ability to protect and provide for them.
But What Does it Really Mean to Protect And Provide?
Is it bringing in money? Is it being big, tall, strong and intimidating to other men?
Those things are a part of it, but the deeper truth here is that beneath all of those things we’re looking for a man’s superior ability to:
- Solve problems
- Adapt to a changing environment
- And make well informed, intelligent decisions for his family based upon research and information gleaned from his current environment.
Throughout history, humans have had to fight enemy tribes, escape war-torn countries, find shelter in extreme weather, and rebuild finances and capital after huge losses.
Now of course, those men who come from rich families and had the privilege of superior health, height and genetics fare better during times of high stress.
But health value and genetic value in a man are limited to the good looks and great constitution that they can pass onto their young.
Just because a man is good looking, doesn’t mean he’s intelligent. And just because a man comes from a rich family, doesn’t mean he possesses the skills or virtue to keep the wealth.
Recommended reading: Is It Smart For A Woman to Look For A Rich Man?
In fact, you could argue that the more wealth a man is given without working for it, the harder it is for him to keep that wealth.
That’s because being given everything means you become complacent, or you never develop the ambition to create something from scratch.
As that intelligent saying goes:
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”
The quote is from a postapocalyptic novel by G. Michael, and it sums up the pervasive cyclical vision of history.
And as the ancient Chinese proverb goes:
“Wealth does not pass three generations” — the first generation builds the wealth; the second generation is inspired to preserve it by witnessing the hard work of their parents; and the third generation, having never witnessed the work that went into the creation of this wealth, squanders it.”
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First, Second And Third Generation Men
So if you date and marry a rich man from the first generation, you’re blessed. You have what every woman wants: a self-made man.
If you date and marry a second generation man, you can still consider yourself blessed, because they’re inspired to work hard to keep the wealth they have been offered.
If however, you date a man from the third generation, you could still consider him a catch, however investing in him means investing in (and trusting), empty money.
So what’s the ideal situation for a woman, if she wants a superior man?
Is it to marry a man from the first generation? A self-made man?
Not necessarily. And now we’re getting to our original question…
(Here’s a video I made on the #1 Sign You’ve Found A Superior Man…)
What’s the Number One Sign You’re With A Superior Man?
The number one sign you’re with a superior man is that other men copy his direction. Even if he’s not trying to convince others to do so.
What do I mean by direction?
I mean his decision making and navigation of the present environment and present times, based entirely upon his own judgement and hard work.
Think of a man’s direction as the steering wheel or the helm of a ship.
Your man is the captain of his own ship and he chooses where to steer it, unless he’s some passive guy who relies entirely on other people to make decisions for him.
Some men make a series of extremely poor, highly risky or even lazy decisions, that cause them to metaphorically steer their ship into an iceberg.
Other men may take less risks, but make more calculated and calibrated decisions based on many hours digging deep into all the knowledge that’s available to humans today.
And all of these decisions, direction and judgement is valuable because he earned it himself. So it’s authentic, and therefore, more trustworthy and on-point.
Basically, think of a man’s effort and research as his blood sweat and tears, and many sleepless nights learning on the job.
Because he’s spent hundreds of hours getting his hands dirty, the quality of his decisions gradually yield greater financial and spiritual rewards.
These rewards translate to evidence of real life success to other men and women.
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What Inferior Men Do When They Encounter The Superior Man?
Other men pick up on a man’s success, and try to copy his decisions.
Because it’s much less energy intensive to copy a decision than it is to put in the effort of learning from scratch yourself.
It’s a lazy way to steer your ship, and if a guy gets sucked into the charms of a narcissistic male friend who has faked all of his successes and copies what the narcissist is doing, then he’s definitely captain of a sinking ship.
But the superior, masculine men of the world who have earned their quality decision making skills do embody their masculine direction in a way that signals value to others.
You can consider the superior man to have authentic masculine direction that is based upon relevant, timely and intelligent research.
Most men find it too taxing on their resources to research all the important things at a deeper level.
So they either copy the direction of other men (and sometimes women) who may be smarter than them, pay someone to make difficult decisions for them, or they opt out of making these decisions altogether and accept being average.
Most Men Try to Do The Right Thing
However, most decent men do try hard to make the right choices by a woman and by their family.
Many good men like to fill their minds with knowledge. You know the old images of the dads reading the newspaper in their comfy armchairs.
Although nowadays it’s more like sitting on the toilet with their phone watching YouTube for 10 hours.
Ah, it’s always funny when they walk out of the toilet unable to walk because their legs have gone numb from 10 hours of sitting.
Anyhow, I’ve gone off on a tangent.
How Men Become superior?
Superior men take the knowledge they have from their environment, consider it from multiple perspectives, and make decisions based in real-time for their family, wife and children.
As I’ve mentioned before in my popular article “10 Telltale Signs He Is A Highly Evolved, Deeply Masculine alpha Male”, intelligent, masculine men take into account the perspective of their woman, as well as differing perspectives of other people to make what they think is the best decision as to where to steer their ship.
Because here’s one thing I know for sure: men from the first generation of wealth made their wealth relevant to the time they were in.
But the subsequent generations gradually lose touch with the skills of their forefathers.
Even Superior Men Don’t Always Pass On Their Knowledge…
Not to mention, it’s one thing for a man to “make it” financially on his own, and it’s another altogether to care enough to teach skills to the next generation.
Not every father is selfless enough nor cares enough to do the thankless, selfless task of teaching and transferring knowledge to his sons.
So am I saying that if a man keeps making bad decisions, then he is inferior? Not at all.
How To Know If Your Man Is Superior Or Not?
As long as your man is taking into account multiple perspectives and desires to invest in his own research, then he’s on the right track in my books.
This man will become the man that can take you places that you cannot take yourself.
Ladies: Always Remember This
Always remember: choose wisely, don’t just choose the men who look shiny on the outside, because all that glitters ain’t gold.
If you want to go deeper with me and get a Ph.D. on understanding men and the masculine perspective, I recommend you take my most popular course, ‘Understanding Men’.
(The promise of this course is for you discover the secrets of the masculine perspective so that you can get through to any man, connect with him heart to heart, and inspire his deepest loyalty and commitment).
Wishing you all the best!
P.S. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.
If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.
By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.

Renee is the founder of The Feminine Woman & co-founder of Shen Wade Media where we teach women how to show up as a high value high status woman whom easily inspires a deep sense of emotional commitment from her chosen man. She graduated with a bachelor of Law and bachelor of Arts majoring in sociology and psychology. She has been a dating and relationship coach for women in the past 15 years and together with her husband D. Shen at Commitment Triggers blog, they have positively influenced the lives of over 20 million women through their articles and videos as well as 10’s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform.
Connect deeper with her work through the social media links below.
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