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Mar 6, 2025The #1 Sign He Wants A Serious Relationship With You – The Feminine Woman – Dating, Love & Relationship Advice for Women
- Jan 8, 2025

There’s one unmistakable sign he wants a serious relationship with you.
Unless this ONE sign is present, you can be sure a man isn’t as serious as he’s trying to make you believe.
Here’s why: men can fake things. Men can lie. Some men get good at sweet talking. And in my line of work I’ve seen a lot of women get tricked.
The signs you think a man is serious right now, I bet you they can be faked and have been faked.
Here’s a video I made for this topic: The #1 Sign He Wants A Serious Relationship With You:
Who Am I To Tell You The #1 Sign He’s Serious About You?
My name is Renée and I’ve been teaching women for over 15 years now.
Together with my husband, we have taught important concepts like
Very often I get the question: what are the signs he wants a serious relationship with you, as opposed to showing some interest in order to get what he wants?
Although I’ve previously written an article on the 10 Indisputable Signs He Wants A Serious Relationship With You, this time I want to simplify this.
Why? So that it is universally relatable to you, and you’ll have the underlying knowledge to be able to adapt it to your unique situation.
A lot of the other signs aren’t definite in every context even if they are strong signs he’s serious about being with you long term.
Want to learn the 3 magical words to get the ring fast? CLICK HERE to discover more about the 3 magical words that got several of my clients (and myself) engaged in record time. (One client got engaged in just 7 days!!)
Men Are Good At ‘Acting The Part’
See, men can be sly, tricky and manipulative. This means they can totally act the part of a decent guy, especially in the first 6-12 weeks.
Some men have a real life Ph.D. in looking like Mister Right.
They’ll sweet you off your feet, make you feel like you’re real life Cinderella, because they’re so well versed in playing women.
*Ahem”, or should I say, narcissism?
They’ll make you think you’ve finally found the one, when really, all he wants is that cookie.
And he’ll fake everything from the car he drives to the money he makes, to how attentive he can be, just to get that cookie.
So if there’s one thing that will tell you for sure that he is SERIOUS about an actual long term relationship with you, it’s what I’m about to share with you.
No, it’s not that he wants you to move in with him or that he introduces you to his mum, his family and his friends.
It’s not even that he talks about a future with you (there are plenty of future fakers out there), or that he takes you on vacation with him.
It’s none of those things. Those are only “possible” signs he wants a serious relationship with you.
So when we look for this number one sign he wants a serious relationship with you, what we are looking for is everything that strictly pertains to these two little words
- Serious, and
- Relationship.
Since men can pretend to be serious for some time, there is only one strict sign that unequivocally reveals to you that he’s actually serious about being attached to you long term.
What is that sign?
The sign is: he invests in your health, wealth and happiness.
I’ll say it again for the ladies at the back. He invests in your health, wealth and happiness. And this is a lot deeper than it sounds.
There’s actually much deeper insights to this, and I’m about to share the insights with you.
This is How A Man Invests In His Woman…
So when a guy is genuinely wanting to invest in a woman for the long term and he wants her to be his wife or have his children, he invests in her as his girl, and as his woman.
He cares. But he doesn’t just care. He puts an insanely disproportionate amount of energy into her health, her wealth and her happiness.
I’m not referring to men who are controlling about what you eat or what content you consume here, I’m referring to him investing in you.
(Controlling men don’t invest in you).
Here are 17 Early Signs Of A Controlling Man (He Wishes You Never Knew).
So why do men invest in their woman in this way? It’s because it makes a HUGE difference to him as a man, whether his woman is healthy or not.
Every smart guy invests in a healthy woman. And if she’s not healthy, he will do everything that’s possible on planet earth, and under the sun, to help her improve her health.
Because her health makes a big difference to how she shows up in their relationship.
To be more specific, her health makes a huge difference to her feminine radiance. And we’re referring to physical and mental health here.
And if this man wants children with his woman, then her health makes an even bigger difference to whether she’ll be able to carry a healthy child.
Men who are serious about you do this intuitively, because they don’t bear the babies in their bodies.
Why is it that when a guy is serious about you, he’ll invest in your health? Because, when a man is serious about his woman, he takes more responsibility for her.
Of course, women marry narcissistic men every single day, and these narcissistic men are much less capable of investing in their woman’s health, wealth and happiness.
But I’m assuming you would never in a million years want to actually be married to a narcissist.
So what about your wealth?
It’s no secret that women love money. Women need money. We have the womb, we carry and raise the children no matter what.
Oh wait – some women don’t actually raise their children.
(…That’s awkward.)
But regardless, as the womb bearers, we instinctively gravitate towards generous men as well as money, because it makes a huge difference to whether we feel safe to reproduce or not.
Women under huge financial, environmental or mental stress don’t want to reproduce.
We are naturally vulnerable when we are pregnant and taking care of a baby, so the man who is serious about you will be attuned to this.
And a man will take as much responsibility as he can for ensuring his woman has everything she needs financially, because it makes a big difference to her stress levels.
Now before you celebrate too much and virtue signal about how men should be more accountable for women’s financial security…consider this.
Many Men Take Commitment Very Seriously
The same mechanism that makes a man serious about taking responsibility for her wealth and providing for her, is the mechanism that makes men run far away from committing to a woman, even when she’s a good woman.
In other words, most men consider this responsibility extremely seriously. They don’t take it lightly. They want to do an outstanding job of it.
As such, if they don’t feel capable of doing it – a lot of men simply won’t bother.
And with a small proportion of men, they won’t be emotionally and physically present in the relationship with you because they don’t feel capable.
This means that it is a huge deal for a man to take this kind of responsibility for a woman, which is why it’s part of the number one sign he wants a serious relationship with you.
Now, what about the third factor in all of this, her happiness?
A man who is serious about a woman cares deeply, deeply, and I mean deeply about his woman’s happiness.
This is because the poor guy is profoundly affected by her unhappiness. If he’s very invested, it can make or break his day.
Why else do you think that quote: “happy wife, happy life” is so popular?
Now, if you want to test how serious your man is about you, take my free quiz on “how commitment-friendly is your man?” CLICK HERE. It’s a short quiz that will give you clarity on how serious he is.
Do the quiz: how commitment friendly is my man?
Expectations Are Easy, Commitment Is Not
So here’s what I’ve learned about women. Even those women who manage to secure this type of commitment from a man tend to take it for granted over time.
There is no limit to a woman’s expectations, but we must remember that human energy is finite.
It is not uncommon for men and husbands in general to just feel like a wallet, while she has all the connection with the kids, or she just spends all of his money whilst all the money she earns is spent on her own luxuries or vanity.
So let’s take a minute to acknowledge and appreciate how vulnerable a task providing is for men.
I’ve been through so much with my husband over the last 19 years. And he’s been a better provider than I thought was possible.
But there were times early on where we were homeless and had nothing. I’ve seen him work himself to the bone, losing so much sleep that it irreversibly affects his health.
I’m not trying to glamourise over-working here. Quite the opposite.
I’m trying to paint a picture of men’s vulnerability and hard work. Because as women, we sometimes just throw around the “should” card.
A man should do this, a man should do that. Real men would do this, real men would do that.
A man “should” provide and work hard, because that’s his JOB as a man. Because men are built to provide and do the hard work, right?
Well, to an extent. But that’s where you get overworked men who are depressed.
Or men who are reliant on drugs to sustain themselves or to cope with the chronic stress in their bodies.
All over the world, men die younger than women do.
And that’s not just because newborn males are more vulnerable to illnesses, or that teenage boys are more likely to get into fatal accidents than teenage girls.
It’s because men take on high risk, high stress jobs, take more risks to be worthy of a woman, and overall are expected to provide for everyone else.
Now I’m not trying to take credit away from hard working women here, because God knows, we hard working women are out there.
This is just a reminder that whilst it feels like a positive thing to expect more from men in relationships, let’s also balance out those expectations with some appreciation.
What You Can Do To Encourage A Man To Commit?
Appreciate the hard work, the blood sweat and tears, and the vulnerability it requires for men to put themselves and their health on the line for decades on end, to sustain a woman and a family.
Respect the effort it takes and develop deep empathy for the sacrifice he makes.
Because without appreciation, what is all his sacrifice for you as a woman really worth in the end?
Want to learn the 3 magical words to get the ring fast? CLICK HERE to discover more about the 3 magical words that got several of my clients (and myself) engaged in record time. (One client got engaged in just 7 days!!)
P.S. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.
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By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.

Renee is the founder of The Feminine Woman & co-founder of Shen Wade Media where we teach women how to show up as a high value high status woman whom easily inspires a deep sense of emotional commitment from her chosen man. She graduated with a bachelor of Law and bachelor of Arts majoring in sociology and psychology. She has been a dating and relationship coach for women in the past 15 years and together with her husband D. Shen at Commitment Triggers blog, they have positively influenced the lives of over 20 million women through their articles and videos as well as 10’s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform.
Connect deeper with her work through the social media links below.
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