Relationship & Dating

I Am Ready and Available To Meet My Special Person – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

  • Jul 29, 2024
  • 104
I Am Ready and Available To Meet My Special Person – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

Dear Sybersue YouTube Channel

Many people who are not meeting a potential partner, have a similar dialogue.

It is so important to improve your daily thoughts and positive verbal communication to attract a partner. Whether you believe in manifestation or not, it is always a better approach to maintain a positive attitude, as opposed to continually repeating how nothing ever seems to work out for you in the love, and romance department.

A few common phrases I hear all too often, from both men and women is; “There’s no one out there for me, I give up, what’s the point? Men don’t want someone my age, women are all high maintenance and only want men with money!”

When you have a defeatist attitude, it shuts the door on numerous possibilities.

Today’s video and post are about transforming your relationship outlook to bring love into your life. Positive affirmations can help you to attract a potential partner. Setting intentions for love and repeating daily affirmations will give you a positive relationship mindset. This will help remove any negativity holding you back from receiving the love you desire.

Regardless of whether you believe in the law of attraction or not, it is important to understand that you will receive what you put out there for the universe. If you change your belief system into having an optimistic outlook, you will start to attract like-minded people toward you. Positive attracts positive, just as negative attracts negative. If you enter a room full of people you’re always going to be drawn to the happy person in the room, before the one who isn’t making an effort and has a frown on their face.

For many years after my divorce, I lost belief and trust in myself that I could have a reciprocated connection with someone again.

I was a young single mom who was living in the past and holding onto the failure of my marriage. Quite often we play the victim in our lives rather than learning the lesson we’re supposed to learn so we can move forward in a healthy direction. We also get stuck dealing with many different emotions such as anger, sadness, self-doubt and fear of what is to come.

It wasn’t until much later when my son was older that I decided I was ready and I deserved to have a loving partnership. I was clear on what I wanted in a partner which is very important. I wrote down 10 important attributes that were important to have in a potential partner and then I devised a short paragraph stating that I was ready and available to receive love in my life and that I deserved happiness.

I also regularly pictured myself walking down the aisle at my wedding with my son on my arm. This was a visual that often popped up in my mind! I read my list out loud before I went to bed most nights and within 3 months I met the man I am now married to today. My son did end up walking me down the aisle at our surprise wedding in front of 135 guests!

My Son And I at My Surprise Wedding

The key to making things manifest in your life is to visualize them before they happen and understand that you deserve it simultaneously.

It is also really important to have boundaries so you don’t repeat negative dating or relationship patterns. Whenever there are doubtful thoughts, it sets you back from achieving what you truly want. I am certainly not a manifesting expert but I know enough to believe that our thoughts do become things.

Readjust your thinking to change your life. Changing up just a few pessimistic words within your thought process and vocabulary can make a big difference in your life. It also makes other people want to be around you because you’re being a positive person and you are not giving energy to negative discussions.

Photo by Julia Avamotive

We don’t always understand that we sabotage our happiness with simple habits that aren’t serving us well.

Some clients have mentioned that they are too busy to put energy into dating. This is another common negative message that repels a potential partner from coming into their lives.

If you can’t put in time and effort to get to know someone, why would they stick around, or give you energy when it isn’t being reciprocated? This is where your dialogue and thought process will continue to sabotage you having any type of love connection. People have a choice of who they date and first impressions are everything. If you are too busy to date, you are not ready to have a relationship. This is very clear early on to anyone who is looking for a committed partnership.

Some people have a very cluttered home where there is no space for someone to come in. Once again, this behaviour shuts out love from finding its way to you because you are emotionally and physically unavailable to receive it and make room to share your life with someone.

You need to have a clear path that allows love to enter. Having a very busy or disorganized life means that you have too many walls up, which most people do not want to deal with.

Why shouldn’t you get what you want?

We all deserve love and we all deserve to be happy in our lives. Programming your mindset to believe this, takes some work, but it can be done. There is light at the end of the tunnel regardless of having gone through some of the tough times in your life. Being grateful for life lessons and challenges can help you can manifest happy times moving forward.

Having a daily mantra such as, “I am health, wealth, and love abundant,” is a much better approach than saying “I’m broke, I need to lose weight, and I am forever single!” It’s all about having a great attitude!

It is quite interesting that when you’re grateful for even the smallest things in your life you tend to attract more positive things toward you. When you smile at others, more people naturally gravitate towards you, so doesn’t it make sense to put that out there? Why shut the door on something so simple?

Some men and women don’t always believe in themselves due to some of the choices they have made out of fear, or being stuck in victim mode.

They may also have low self-esteem and don’t believe they deserve great things due to difficulties that have transpired in their past. When you take ownership of your contribution to those tough life choices you allowed, you will begin to move on from the pain much faster each time. Life is a long learning curve which continually teaches us some difficult lessons. This is how we evolve and become better versions of ourselves over the years.

No one walks through life without some hardship to deal with. It is a natural progression that makes us a better human being and keeps us humble and appreciative for every precious day we have in our lifetime.

Be clear about what it is you’re looking for in a potential partner.

I have had some clients tell me they don’t know what it is they’re looking for in a partner but they adamantly know what they don’t want. Can you see how that is automatically a negative statement?

If you feel stuck and lonely at this stage in your life, it is time to reevaluate what is truly important to you and understand what having a life partner means to you. What would make them stand out and win your heart? What do you see when you close your eyes and visualize the partnership of your dreams?

Photo by Mizuno K

Manifesting Love: How to Attract Your Special Person

What gives you a purpose and what brings you happiness? If you want to alter what’s not working in your life, put yourself out there in healthy environments as often as possible. Change up your repetitive routine to bring more reciprocated energy and excitement toward you. If you want to be more socially active, join a walking/hiking group in your city to meet new people.

Scheduling events or outings on the calendar will get you out of the house and in a better frame of mind. Who doesn’t enjoy nature and being outdoors? It’s a natural mood enhancer. The more you surround yourself with like-minded people, the more enjoyment you will receive each time you participate in a group setting.

One of the hardest things both men and women agree on when it comes to dating is how much preparation goes into just meeting someone. The more you engage in different activities, the easier it is to interact with others who have similar desires and goals. This takes away the uncomfortable energy which eventually becomes an easy-going and natural action. You will be greatly surprised how altering this one behaviour will fulfill your life in so many ways.

Here is another post that you may enjoy to keep you in a positive mindset.

Private Dating Relationship Coaching With Sybersue – Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me @ [email protected] and message me there to set up a video or audio appointment within 24 hours. Thank you!

Susan McCord @ Dear Sybersue YouTube – Dear Sybersue Facebook

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