Relationship & Dating

How To Get The Ring And His Commitment In 2025 – The Feminine Woman – Dating, Love & Relationship Advice for Women

  • Feb 11, 2025
  • 50
How To Get The Ring And His Commitment In 2025 – The Feminine Woman – Dating, Love & Relationship Advice for Women

In this article, let me go through the 3 steps you need to get the ring and his commitment effortlessly fast.

First, there’s something we first have to acknowledge… 

Men’s trust in women is at an all time low and with the popularity of dating apps, true commitment from a man is not easy to find.

Not to mention, men are different from us, they don’t intuitively need commitment like we do and therefore they don’t really understand how important marriage is for us women… 

On top of that, now there’s all the MGTOW crew and red pill bros actively warning other men to never marry or never even be in a relationship…(cue the MGTOW patrol…)

But there is hope.

There is a way to inspire your chosen man to give you the ring and his commitment and actually have him enjoy the process

In order for you as a woman to get the ring and get the commitment you want, you need to understand 3 important steps. 

CLICK HERE to LEARN the One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Masculine Man That Inspires Him to Want to Take Care of You, Worship You and Deeply Commit to You.

#1: You have to stop engaging in power struggles…

Imagine power struggles as this imagery rope tying you and your lover together. 

Every time you  want to do something for yourself, it takes away from him wanting to do something for himself. 

This might just drive you mad after a while…

Because ultimately this is taking value from the both of you. Let’s stop engaging in power struggles.

Here’s what you have to understand…

A power struggle is a form of zero sum games whereby the more you get, the less your man gets and vice versa. 

In other words, there’s always a winner and always a loser and so you’re always trying to get more for yourself at the cost of the other person. 

That might be fine in a business relationship but in a romantic relationship, it kinda kills the intimate part of the intimate relationship. 

The more your relationship is based on power struggles, the less trust in the relationship. 

And if a man can’t trust you, it’s going to make it very difficult for him to take the extremely high risk action of signing a contract and getting the government involved in your personal life.

Yes, I’m talking about marriage. 

MORE: Why Some Men Never Want to Marry A Woman.

Look, I get it. Some of us have been so traumatised or conditioned to only operate from power struggles. 

If that’s you, I understand. But also know that there is another level you can operate from. 

Here’s a video I made on how to get the ring and his commitment:

#2: Add enough value that it gets to the point of reciprocity.

In order to get out of the power struggle, you have to learn to add value to your man. 

And add value in ways that are perceived as value to him. 

For more on this, see my article: 3 Undercover Ways to Be More High Value Over Other Women & Get Him to Choose YOU.

See: your actions are not really value-adding if it’s only you perceiving value in the action. 

That’s probably worse than giving someone unwanted or recycled Christmas gifts.  

Let me ask you this… 

Can you get a man to commit to you and marry you out of pressure or coercion? 

It’s a low percentage action but yes, sometimes it works. But it doesn’t mean you should do it. 

Because the very essence of pressuring him is to take value from him to get what you want in the short term.

It is the very definition of a short term strategy with a huge long term cost. 

The cost here is that he’s not going to trust you at the same depth, he’s not going to want to add value back to you, and he may even start to build up resentment towards you.

Remember the more you take value from others, the more it inspires others to take value from you. It’s called reciprocity. 

Plus I’ve worked with enough women in the last 15 years to know that almost no healthy woman wants to get married to a man, knowing that he only did it out of obligation or pressure.

Instead, make your relationship a place to go to add value, rather than constantly taking value.

Because as long as you’re attuned, and you keep adding true value, you’ll get to a place where he’s going to want to reciprocate back to you.

That is when you know you’re on the right track. 

By the way, if you keep adding value and he never reciprocates at all, then he might be a narcissist. 

That’s a conversation for a different day, but that’s something to always keep in mind. 

Stay away from narcissists because they don’t really want to connect with you, they want you as narcissistic supply.

Related reading: 10 Seemingly Harmless Signs of A Toxic Relationship. 

When a man is able to reciprocate not just in superficial ways, but in very attuned ways, then you know that he wants to give back to you and he has the potential to commit deeply to you.

And if you’ve followed my work in the last 15 years, you’d have already heard me say that men don’t fear commitment, they fear committing to the wrong woman. 

You are always the wrong woman if you keep taking value from him.

MORE: What Is Wife Material? 13 Wifey Traits Men Always Look For.

SPECIAL REPORT: How to Become the World’s Most Attractive & Feminine Goddess (Even if you have no self esteem or no man has ever paid you any attention…) CLICK HERE to download it at no cost.


#3: Express and embody your own feminine vulnerability in ways he’ll be able to understand. 

Here’s why this is important…

Men don’t feel vulnerable in the way that you do. Don’t think of them as bigger, taller and hairier women. 

Think of them as a different species who are a foot taller, 5 x stronger with skin 10x thicker than us women. 

Ok, that’s not quite scientifically accurate but I want to paint a picture that you can understand. 

Some studies have shown that over 90% of women are incredibly afraid to walk down a dark alley whereas less than 20 to 30% of men are equally as afraid. 

This is not social conditioning, this is an inbuilt bias. 

After all, as we all know, when men see red, bodies start dropping.  

(That’s a joke from a completely different corner of the web.)

Here’s a video I made on How to be vulnerable without being NEEDY:

Anyway, men and women both experience social projection to some extent. This means we all think people of the opposite sex are like us most of the time. 

We women think that marriage is also value to men. And men think that dick pics are value to us. 

That’s social projection. 

When was the last time you heard a man feeling so vulnerable and so desperate for marriage?

Other than scammers of course. 

Scammers are smart, they know which button to push to fool the women who believe men also see value in marriage and commitment. 

Now I’m not saying there’s no value at all in commitment for men…

What I’m saying is that they don’t perceive nearly as much value in commitment as we women do. 

After all, who owns the womb? You, that’s right.

Us women are the womb owners and we need commitment in order to keep that womb protected at all costs.

So what am I saying here?

I am saying that the majority of the time, men only propose for the sake of the woman and not for themselves.

Because they don’t need it.

So, you need to communicate to men in a way that they will understand viscerally and the way you do this is to embody your own feminine vulnerability.

Do the quiz: how commitment friendly is my man?

Vulnerability Is A Skill Many Women Don’t Have

Now here’s something to understand. 

Not all of us women are comfortable being completely vulnerable.

And if that’s you, it will take some time to get in touch with that part of yourself. 

Sometimes, vulnerability isn’t something that was encouraged while we were growing up.

Perhaps growing up you were a high achiever and that part of you was reinforced through praise at the cost of other more vulnerable parts of you.

Or maybe you were bullied at a young age and you developed these hard outer shells because no one came to your aid. 

Sometimes you have to peel back those layers and get in touch with that part of you that is vulnerable. And yes, we all have that part. 

If you want to delve deeper into that topic and gain that ability, see my article on: How Most Women Reject Their Femininity & How You Can Stand Out From The Crowd.

Get to know that vulnerable human being inside, that’s going to help you infinitely in being able to express vulnerability with a man. 

If you have trouble trusting men (or people in general), you’ll have a harder time with this. But the effort is worth the payoff, especially when you’re doing it to open up to the right man. 

I remember having this huge argument with David a long long time ago, in his beat up car. 

We’d been together for many years at that point and I was really ready to drop the girlfriend label. I’m sure you know what I mean.

But no matter what I said he had a rational reason why it wasn’t the right time. Logically I knew what he said was right, but it wouldn’t change how I felt in my gut.

And there was nothing I could say that could remotely get through to him… because ultimately he had a very strong sense of direction within himself.

So there we were, silently sitting in this car with the hot afternoon sun shining through… we were on the verge of breaking up and I started to cry.

And as tears were streaming down my face, I uttered three words that changed everything. 

It took getting to the point of almost breaking up in order for me to feel my own vulnerability enough to express it in these three words.

And that was the moment David understood my vulnerability as a woman and his whole demeanour changed.

Looking back, these three words perfectly encapsulated my feminine vulnerability in a way that men can understand. 

Recommended: How to Be More Feminine: 4 Ways of A Soft Feminine Woman (& FAQ) 

And it wasn’t until that moment in the car that I realised, I had never said those three words in front of David. 

And the moment I said it, the tone of the whole conversation changed. 

It was no longer a rational and logical debate but rather it became him wanting to solve this particular “problem”, all for my sake.

In other words, he wanted to make it better for me because he could finally feel my sense of vulnerability.

And 8 months later he got me a ring. 

…I can barely get the ring on now, because you know what they say… it’s all fun and games until your metabolism slows down.

But here’s the thing… I never fully appreciated the power of the three little words until I happened to teach them for the first time to one of my coaching clients.

And get this, she literally got engaged in 7 days.

I was floored. I was shocked. I was speechless. And I was over the moon for her.

This is a true story by the way. 

And guess what, she wasn’t the only one.

And that’s when I realised there is some magic to these three words, because these words are able to communicate your vulnerability as a woman to a man without him getting defensive. 

Now you might expect me to share with you what these 3 magical words are, well I wrote about it in this brand new book. 

3 magical words to get the ring effortlessly fast.

It’s on sale right now so go to or click the link in the description to get all the deets. 

Oh, in case you’re single, I’ve even got a couple of bonus classes to help you go from single to married in the next 12 months. 

Go check it out. This is going to make the process of you getting the ring and his commitment so much faster and easier. 

Don’t Make This An Uphill Battle (There’s No Reason To!)

Getting a man to put a ring on your finger can definitely feel like an uphill battle.

But that uphill battle only exists when there’s a hill. Right?

So if you remove the hill completely, it’s no longer an uphill battle, and you can turn it into a joyful process that feels like a no brainer in your man’s mind.

And what exactly constitutes the ‘hill’ in this context? 

Well it’s a few things:

  1. You presenting as the ‘wrong’ woman by constantly trying to force more commitment out of him.
  2. Assuming that a man (or all men) hate committing. They don’t. As I said, men know when the right woman is in front of them. They’ve got instincts just like you and I do. 
  3. Choosing power struggles over leading with understanding.

Ultimately, these 3 things will create a huge hill that feel impossible for you to climb.

So, why not make it easier for yourself and do it the value-adding way?

Thanks for reading and I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

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By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.

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