Relationship & Dating

Are You Holding Onto Things That Cause You Continual Heartbreak? – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

  • Dec 18, 2023
  • 188
Are You Holding Onto Things That Cause You Continual Heartbreak? – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

When you hold onto emotional trauma and heartbreak, it can keep you stuck in an unhealthy place that prevents you from finding happiness and contentment in your life.

Emotional feelings of distress can take over your health and well-being if they are not dealt with in a timely manner. Life isn’t easy and when it comes to matters of the heart, and this can be one of the tougher things we all have to deal with. It is so important to understand that sometimes you just can’t do everything by yourself, and you need some professional guidance to help your heart heal.

Any type of relationship stress can cause ongoing health problems, especially if you are holding onto the pain and anger for a long time. I remember how many difficult scenarios I went through when dealing with my long divorce proceedings. It took so much out of me physically and mentally. Unfortunately, I was too financially strapped at the time to receive counseling support for my situation.

Photo by Mike Greer

Today, there are many free online resources to help out men and women going through a difficult relationship transition, unhealthy patterns, or any emotional setbacks. I strongly advise you to take advantage of this valuable information! As a single mother, I would have appreciated any support I could get at the time.

This is one of the reasons I originally started to write these posts here on my website and upload videos to My YouTube Channel. I wanted to be able to help others dealing with similar life experiences. A little encouragement goes a long way when life hands you those complicated circumstances.

One lesson To learn quickly is knowing who you are as your authentic self without the influence of past relationships controlling your thoughts.

When you are comfortable in your own skin and don’t need someone else to make you feel whole, you have grasped a very important lesson that will serve you well for many years to come. You feel great being on your own, but you’re also open to receiving love in your life. You’re confident and there is no self-doubt pent-up from past heartbreak because you are no longer confused about what makes you truly happy.

It is always the right time to change up what isn’t serving you anymore! Removing repetitive patterns that keep giving you the same empty result will speed up the learning process and bring you the partnership you truly deserve. The first step is understanding the importance of taking the time to educate yourself and fix this problem.

Change up your environment and take a sabbatical from dating for at least 6 months.

Owning your feelings, and not allowing them to continually take over your life, is a strength that helps you grow and evolve as a person. Taking time away from dating allows you to get to know yourself without any other influences because you are only focusing on yourself during this time.

Admitting you need some help or guidance, is not a weakness, it is a strength. It takes a mature person to own their mistakes and take the time to work through them. When you KNOW something isn’t working for you, it brings you closer to understanding what does bring you happiness and fulfillment.

You have to change the repetitive mindset that is holding you prisoner and preventing you from having the full life you desire. If you were meant to be in a past relationship, you would still be there today. The Universe has a tough way of kicking your butt to lead you in another direction, but if you listen closely to your intuition, you will seldom be steered onto the wrong path.

Photo by cottonbro studio

Self-sabotage is not your friend, so stop letting it control your future happiness!

Feeling rejected can be difficult to overcome and can alter your self-esteem for a very long time. Don’t let the lack of confidence derived from past breakups dictate how you live your life. Decipher whether you are dealing with anger, sadness, jealousy, envy, denial, or just a feeling of being stuck and not knowing how to move forward. It is much easier to find the necessary tools that can help you when you get to the root of the originating problem.

You may have to change the type of people you date. You might not be aware that you are living in a repetitious cycle, because it’s a familiar way of life for you and that is all you have ever known. Many people are creatures of habit, even if something doesn’t work out for them. Each experience you have should move you up the ladder to a more suitable place to meet your special person. Repeating similar mistakes certainly isn’t in your best interest and will not bring you the love you are searching for. Learning from those mistakes is a different story.

The hard knocks of life are a big pain in the butt and your heart, but the sooner you understand why something didn’t work out, the faster you will appreciate the lessons you are learning along the way. What might have seemed important in your youth is often not a priority as you mature into adulthood. We all change over the years, and this is an expected part of life.

In Closing

Please don’t hold onto past relationships with regret. Every person who enters your life teaches you something. Appreciate all your experiences and honor them. Sit back and acknowledge the pros and cons of each scenario. Be objective. It will teach you so much about yourself.

Own your part in what transpired in any partnership you had in the past. It takes two to make or break a relationship, so take the time to reflect on that. Don’t let negative emotions control your future. Always be grateful for life’s ups and downs, and never be afraid to ask for guidance when you feel stuck. 

Please watch the video below for more information on today’s topic.

Dear Sybersue YouTube

Private Dating Relationship Coaching With Sybersue – Please contact me at [email protected] and message me there to set up a video call or voice call appointment within 24 hours. Thank you!

Susan McCord @ Dear Sybersue YouTube – Dear Sybersue Facebook

Dear Sybersue Blogs & Advice Column – Dear Sybersue Instagram

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