Relationship & Dating

5 Unconventional Ways To Make Him Love You More – The Feminine Woman – Dating, Love & Relationship Advice for Women

  • May 30, 2024
  • 145
5 Unconventional Ways To Make Him Love You More – The Feminine Woman – Dating, Love & Relationship Advice for Women

Is it a completely ridiculous notion that you can “make” a man fall in love with you?

Short answer yes, long answer no.

After all, we can’t control other people. The best we can do is influence them through our energy, how we show up and the value that we add to their lives.

In fact, there are good answers to the “question how to make him love you more”! And I’m going to show you 5 unconventional ways to make him fall in love with you.

But first, here’s a simple

“Become the kind of person that other people want to love.”

This seems like such a weird statement to make. Shouldn’t we just be loved for who we are?

That’s a job for our mothers and fathers, and even they can’t do it most of the time. So what are we doing asking that of strangers when dating?

Here’s the truth:

What makes him love you more is essentially also what fosters a beautiful connection with him.

So by putting even just 1 or 2 of these unusual tips I’m going to share with you to use, you are not only potentially inspiring a man to fall in love with you

You are actually becoming more and more skilful at creating deep connection with men (and secretly, with any human!).

And that’s what this is about.

It’s about not only doing things that make him realize your value and make you loveable.

It’s about appreciating and understanding that there are some things you can do which naturally make a man feel more connected to you.

There are things that make him WANT to stick by you like bees to honey, and yes, inspire him to love you more through this connection.

These things you can do are simple laws of human psychology.

CLICK HERE to discover the ONE PHRASE you can say to ANY man that will capture his attention, trigger his curiosity and make him hang onto every word you say! (Works like magic in a high vale non-needy way!)

How To Truly Make Him Fall In Love With You

Some people are just more loveable, aren’t they?

It has nothing to do with our worth.

We are all worthy, but some people’s behaviour and patterns just make it harder to love them.

I’m sure you’ve experienced this in your own life, right?

Sometimes you try really hard to like or love someone, and you just can’t do it.

That’s natural, and normal, and you should not feel guilty about that.

Here are 6 Surefire Signs That He Really LIKES You.

Having This One Trait Is A Very Good Start


Unfortunately playfulness is a lost art, especially in the West. Playfulness requires an innocence and it’s a privilege that many of us don’t have.

What do I mean by this? Well, here’s the truth:

Not all of us have the best start in life.

Not all of us are gifted with emotionally generous and emotionally resourceful parents who inspire us to be the best version of ourselves.

Not all of us are secure human beings who easily and effortlessly make men fall in love.

A lot of that has to do with our patterns of behaving, not our looks. Don’t make the mistake of assuming this is about looks. Men don’t fall in love with perfect women.

More often than not, you’ll see men falling head over heels in love with very imperfect women. And there’s a reason for that.

That reason is that it is who they are. It’s what comes through their soul. 

Some women have the vulnerability and the smarts to be super playful in dating.

In addition, this playfulness comes through in their interactions, even making men fall in love online!

We all have playfulness.

It just so happens that it gets conditioned out of us very young! As such, we haven’t had the privilege of practicing the feminine art of playfulness.

Instead, we practice things like being critical. Trying to be worthy or smart. Like trying to out-do the next person. Many of us also practice being boring.

As we get older and take on more responsibilities, it’s easy to fall into this trap of being boring, rather than playful.

And it’s this art of playfulness that makes you not only stand out, but become indispensable to men. Playfulness is equally important in the increasingly superficial world of online dating.

If you want to be one of those women who actually succeed at online dating and have men ask you out within minutes of texting, then I recommend you utilise what we call the “dark feminine art of high value banter”.

CLICK here to discover how online dating has completely changed and why you as a woman need to use “High Value Banter” in order to quickly weed out the wrong types of men online and create emotional attraction with the “BEST of MEN”! (…Even if no man has ever given you any love and all you’ve encountered so far are pen pals, ghosts, booty calls, and incredible duds!)

(My man David runs this free class and I highly recommend you listen to it.)

Practice Being The World’s Most Loveable Woman

What is it they say? Love is a verb. I’d say love is a practise.

Just like serving ourselves and being all about me, me me is a practise.

It’s just an easier practice for all of us to retreat into ourselves (into our thoughts, our wants, etc) than it is to inspire more love and connection in men.

Love is a harder practise.

And it’s a decision you make to practice it, just as serving ourselves is, too. But it’s not the kind of practise that you’ll regret on your death-bed.

So in this article, I’m not really asking you to be someone you are not.

The truth is, you already are everything. You have everything inside of you that you need right now to become the best version of you.

I’m just suggesting some things for you to consider using in your life, to deepen your relationship with a man (or a woman if you see fit).

Check these out and see if you’re brave enough to try some of them!

Don’t forget to let me know in the comments which one of these you already do, and which new ones you will be putting into practise soon!

Step 1: Self Deprecation/Laugh At Yourself

We all want to be capable and skilful at something as humans. Why? Because it makes us feel like we are enough.

And at the heart of our desire to feel like we are enough, is the desire to be loved and even to feel powerful.

Everyone knows the struggle for feeling ‘enough’, since we’ve all been there. We all still feel like we’re not enough from time to time. Some of us more than others.

Yet to use self deprecating statements and humour is to kind of rise above all the nonsense in a way.

It’s a way of endearing yourself to others. It’s a way to say “hey, I’m not here to be uptight, to compete, to be threatening, I’m here to have fun.” (And hopefully to help others lighten up too!)

Self deprecating (as long as you don’t over-do it due to deep feelings of insecurity and inadequacy), is a wonderful way to inspire others to let their guard down and come closer to you.

A man will feel safer with you if you can genuinely laugh at yourself at the most inconvenient times.

Self deprecation is also an easy way to inspire a man to relate to you.

CLICK HERE to LEARN the one specific emotional trigger within every masculine man that inspires him to want to take care of you, worship you and deeply commit to you.

A Special Secret To Know How To Make Him Fall In Love…

You can easily figure out how to make him love you, if you learn to place connection before your own need for worthiness or significance.

What on earth does that even mean?

It means that if you place more importance on having to be right, trying hard to dominate him, or trying to be in control, you’ll lose in the game of love, and you’ll lose when finding love with men.

Why will you lose with men? Because you’re being invulnerable.

Not only will you lose in the game of love, being invulnerable is actually one of the traits you want to avoid if you want to know how to be a high value woman to men. 

How can you not love someone who laughs at themselves?

Ok my bad.

Some people hate you regardless of what you do. Disregarding that, laughing at yourself and self deprecation is definitely a way to bond you to others, and to reduce their defences as well as your own!

How can you not love someone who clearly places connection before their own feeling of worthiness?

If You Can Do This, You’ll Easily Be More Loveable…

How can you not love someone who is willing to laugh about their perceived inadequacies and doesn’t judge themselves for it?

If you are able to show that you don’t judge yourself, then he will trust and love you more, because he will feel that you also won’t judge him.

Here’s some examples of self deprecation that will reduce tension, bring down his defences and remove yours and a man’s masks.

(These are not to be used inside of a toxic relationship. They are to be used with a man whom you trust to not abuse, use or put you down. If a man has a history of putting you down and he enjoys it, please DO NOT use these on him!)

Examples Of Self Deprecation…

“Damn. I can’t come up with any examples. But I’m normally a bit daft anyway so who is surprised here?”

“How do you do that? If I tried that, I’d fall flat on my face!”

“Wow that’s nuts, just like me!”

Step 2: Be “Helpless”

One of the most endearing qualities of certain animals, is that they are completely helpless.

I’ll use quails for example. Random, I know.

But I use them as an example because we have at least 20 of them in our household, and they are just that: small, super cute and somewhat helpless at times.

They can peck if they want to, they can fly to an average ability compared to other birds if they want to. Although, if a fox tries to catch them and eat them…well, the fox has a hell of a lot more power than they do.

It’s this power difference that also makes them helpless in certain contexts.

The animals we want to take care of the most are often the ones who seem the most helpless. They don’t even apologise for their helplessness. And we love them for it because they’re being authentically vulnerable.

It is due to this that we want to take care of them. We are more invested in them and tend to love them more. And we hate anyone or anything that wants to hurt them.

Embodying Helplessness

Embodying the feeling of helplessness can be incredibly valuable.

Now, I’m not talking about victim mentality. Always taking the place of the victim is not helplessness; that’s a value-sucking pattern of behaving.

True helplessness is a spontaneous response to life.

This doesn’t mean you should be helpless all of the time, and advertise yourself constantly as a helpless human, because that’s ridiculous. And so anti feminist, right?

But it does mean that you should be comfortable with all parts of you, and all feelings that come up.

Who you naturally are is likely somewhat helpless at certain times and in certain contexts. It’s about surrendering to those times.

He Left Me At The Airport…& I Was Helpless

I remember many years ago, my husband and I were at the airport waiting for a flight.

The waiting area was quite empty. We’d been together already 5 years and had never been on a holiday together.

Whilst I took a toilet break, I came back and found that he was not sitting where I last saw him. He was nowhere to be seen.

He was playing a trick on me, and hiding whilst watching me from afar. I didn’t know this at the time, and as the minutes went by, I kept composure.

According to him, as he recalls it with tears in his eyes, even to this day, he remembers how helpless and scared I looked for those several minutes.

While I tried to stay calm, inside I was trembling and worried that something bad had happened to him. I seriously thought that I was going to be left at the airport all alone.

My Helplessness Meant A Lot More To Him Than It Did To Me

Now, am I like this all the time? Absolutely not. But I certainly am helpless at certain moments, and that has only added to my bond with my incredible husband.

At the time that he left me, I had no idea that he was playing a trick on me. I thought he might be for a second, but nothing had given me an indication that this was coming.

The fact that he remembers that incident with much more love, appreciation and respect than I do shows what it means to him as a man.

(In fact I needed to be reminded of the event as I had totally forgotten it ever happened).

By the way, just for you ‘double standard’ Nazis out there – can a MAN make a woman love HIM more by revealing his helplessness?

Absolutely. It’s a universal trait that inspires more connection and love and commitment. But you already knew that.

Do the quiz: how commitment friendly is my man?

It might be harder for women to accept the helpless part of men, because inside we already feel so helpless ourselves at times.

We need his protection. But when we feel safe and secure, when we aren’t judging him, we can handle those moments of vulnerability and helplessness in a man.

I know modern feminists believe that men want to take advantage of women who seem helpless, and that may be the case with some men, no doubt.

Notwithstanding that, the point of this is not to reveal your helplessness to just every man and any man! It is to be attuned to him, and feel whether he is willing to allow and protect your helplessness.

This Is The Gift That Your Helplessness Gives To MEN

Believe it or not, your total helplessness in certain moments can potentially give men access to their protective emotions. It gives them access to love in its purest form.

Some might say it also makes him feel more manly.

Now, I know what you’re gonna say. “But I’ve tried to be helpless in the past, and the man was derogatory towards me! Or critical/abusive towards me” .

That’s a very good point.

Some men are just not worthy of your vulnerability or helplessness! Again, this is not to be used on toxic men!

Aside from that, the point is that there’s a difference between real, raw expressions of helplessness and superficial ‘shows’ of helplessness.

Superficial shows of helplessness are actions used as a way to manipulate a man.

Superficial shows of helplessness are the helplessness that you don’t embody.

The simple thing about it is that if you don’t actually feel helpless at the time, then you’re not being helpless at all.

So ask yourself today: “When was the last time I secretly felt helpless inside? Do I have the courage to surrender to that?”

Sure, some men don’t respond to helplessness. Some men and women abuse helplessness.

This is why it is incredibly important to be attuned (to not be stuck in your own head and to feel if a man truly cares for you or not).

This is why it’s important to not show helplessness to virtual strangers, to be smart about it, and use your gut instinct.

Yes, some people will take advantage of your helplessness….men or women. But if a man does love you, he will respond to, and love your moments of helplessness.

SPECIAL REPORT: How to Become the World’s Most Attractive & Feminine Goddess (Even if you have no self esteem or no man has ever paid you any attention…) CLICK HERE to download it at no cost.


To Be Safe, Ask Yourself These Questions

You might wonder how you can embody helplessness safely.

Here’s some question you can ask yourself to make sure that you don’t give your trust to the wrong man.

Ask yourself – IS this man the type of man to use me, abuse me, and take advantage of me?

If you feel in your gut that the answer to that question is yes – then DON’T engage with this man. No matter how much he has to offer you on the surface.

Just because helplessness is a fantastic way to make him love you more, doesn’t mean it is also safe to do with just any man.

(What Is The One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Single Man in this World That Inspires Him to WANT to Commit to One Woman, Want to Take Care of Her, Worship Her and Only Her? Click here to find out right now…)

Step 3: Offer Emotional Loyalty Before Help

Sometimes, you need to help a man. Sometimes, you don’t. Often, we offer help without feeling the situation first.

Does he really perceive value in your ‘help’?

I truly believe that yes, men do perceive value in our help. Just not before we’ve shown our emotional loyalty to him first.

Which do you think holds more intrinsic value to a man?

Offering your emotional and sexual loyalty?

Or offering assistance to fix his problems?

That’s right. Your emotional and sexual loyalty.

A man can pay someone to fix his problems, he can ask a friend for assistance to fix a problem.

If he’s resourceful, he can use the internet to fix his problems. But generally speaking, if you want a relationship with a man, fixing his problems offers less intrinsic value to him than offering your true loyalty and devotion does.

Why? Well, because if you go to ‘offering help’ or ‘fixing his problem’ first, what you have to understand is this.

Understand that this just makes you feel more worthy and in control, whilst possibly making him feel emasculated.

Whereas, offering emotional loyalty creates more connection between you both, thereby adding to the relationship.

Connection is usually worth more than problem solving.

That’s if you’re a woman in a relationship with a man.

Your loyalty requires courage and emotional risk to give, and it adds value to the relationship and deepens the relationship, making it sacred.

Whereas trying to help fix a problem (or show your ability to provide for HIM) just makes you feel more worthy. It doesn’t necessarily make your ‘offering’ more valuable to a man.

Worthy and high value are very different things. Find out the 3 things that make women high value to men in this video.

Men can fix their own problems. If at all they can’t, and you are attuned and feel love calling you to help him, then by all means, offer it.

And it may be appropriate to offer your help at times. I’m not saying it’s never appropriate. Just be mindful that men usually want to feel capable to fix their own problems, and would rather a woman was loyal and loving.

Here’s more about what makes a high value girlfriend.

There’s just a whole lot of value in loyalty in a relationship.

The value of loyalty is going up in the world we currently live in. And when you can provide value, you are naturally more loveable. I believe humans gravitate towards those with value, and move away from those who show up low value.

CLICK here to discover the 7 common signs that a woman is perceived as low value in the eyes of men in this special report. (Why is this important? Because men and women perceive value very differently and you don’t want to be making mistakes that would cause quality men to dismiss, abandon or alienate you.)

Step 4: Compliment Him On A Big Decision He Has Made

Take note of big decisions he has made and let him know that you see the risk and effort involved in making that decision. Tell him ‘you’ve made a great decision!’

Or tell him: “Wow, it took a lot of hard work and energy to make such a big decision. I appreciate and admire that.”

In doing this, you are opening yourself to a vulnerability that you may have used to be uncomfortable with. You are giving value, not taking it.

And ultimately, when you give value, you are high value.

Step 5: Respond With Your Feminine Energy. & Lots Of It.

He says something that pleases you? Notice how it feels in your body, and let that feeling manifest itself in your voice and actions.

The way he walks makes you feel rocket bursts of love inside you? Then rocket burst with that feeling.

Does your man’s presence make you swoon? Is something he did just so wonderful to you that you could dance?

Then physically and emotionally dance. Swoon for him and let your body show that swoon, in whatever way you feel that swoon.

His actions make you hurt? Then let that pain be seen by him. No explaining. Just feeling. That’s your responsive feminine energy.

Do our feminine energy quiz: how feminine am i really?

To do this, you’ll need to try to remove any blockages that you subconsciously have in expressing the energy and love that courses through your body. I’m talking about the natural energetic responses you have in response to any masculine expression that moves you.

This can be tricky, because most of us have a huge backlog of unfelt emotions. So when we try to be responsive, it can come out wrong, or come out as blame or as if we are unleashing everything on to a man.

Here are 7 Keys to Becoming A Classy Woman.

To Be Feminine And Responsive, You need To Do THIS First

Many women, when they try to be responsive, accidentally fail at it. I’m one of these women. Been there, done that.

Here’s the reason we fail at responsiveness. The reason they fail at it is because of all the old anger, hurt and sadness that we didn’t allow ourselves to feel.

All those boundaries that we didn’t set with people. All the times we let our boundaries get crossed. We’re ANGRY about it and we didn’t know it at the time.

Of course, all the anger related to those past moments can spill out unintentionally, causing a man incredible pain and hurt.

We might think we’re justified, because now we’re learning to “be authentic and responsive” and share our feelings. But the other person just feels “wow, you are way out of line.”

So I would say that to get good at being authentic and responsive, you might need to feel some backlog of emotions first.

That means to feel through the hurt, anger, and any past pain that you ignored in the past.

Sometimes it helps to feel past happiness as well, so it’s not all just about feeling through the bad emotions (we just tend to really avoid them).

A lot of men are dying for this kind of authentic aliveness and responsiveness in their woman.

A man can feel far more manly and feel a lot more freedom with you when you’re at least being responsive. As compared to if you were being ungenerous with your energy and closed off.

A Few Notes About Giving Your Responsiveness

Disclaimer 1: You have to connect to the spontaneous energy that moves through your body in response to a man, not to your habitual patterns of acting.

For example…if the primary emotion you’re feeling in the moment with a man is vulnerability or scared….but you don’t actually feel that or show that emotion of ‘scared’ – things might be a bit harder for you with men.

If say, your pattern is that you go to anger before any other emotion – and that’s your pattern, then you’ll create more distance rather than love and connection.

Disclaimer 2: You may not feel much trust for the man you are with, and therefore not want to show much responsiveness and feminine energy through your body. That’s ok. I understand that.

If that is the case, then go slowly, and give your energy a little bit first and see how he responds first. If he opens more to you, then you’ll know you’re getting somewhere.

If he is like a minority of men who don’t care for feminine energy, or who try to oppress your spontaneous expression of joy or pain (oppress really means to make it wrong), then don’t respond to that by dulling yourself.

Instead, try to appreciate that HE cannot appreciate your feelings or energy. And make a decision from there.

If you can’t figure it out, just go with what your gut is telling you.

OK, that’s all for this article. Please do leave me a comment below and let me know which of these you have experience doing yourself, and which of these strategies you want to put into practise soon!

(By the way, I want to teach you 5 secrets to having your man fall deeply in love with you and beg you to be his one and only. These 5 secrets are inside of my brand new program, ‘Becoming His One & Only”. Click HERE to get yourself a copy of this program before they run out!)

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