Relationship & Dating

5 Types of Serial Texters – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

  • Jan 9, 2025
  • 83
5 Types of Serial Texters – Dating Relationship Coaching & Advice

Dating has changed a lot today and texting has become the norm in how men and women communicate. This can be a very frustrating way to converse with someone especially when you don’t know them well.

Words are often misconstrued and don’t make sense half the time. Don’t even get me started about spell-check issues! 😉 Even my husband sometimes has trouble conveying what he is saying in a text, and we KNOW each other!

Not everyone is great at expressing themselves through writing.

There is also a big problem with the ghost texter. These are people who stop texting cold turkey. You are left trying to decipher WTH happened. This has become a big issue in the dating world and is very hurtful. Many men and women have growing insecurities that come from this blatant rejection.

Here are some rules for basic texting communication that shouldn’t be overlooked.

  1. Treat others how you would like to be treated! Karma can be a bitch!
  2. Proofread your texts before you send them!
  3. Make sure the text is going to the person intended. Check the name at the top of the text.
  4. Don’t talk in emojis! Put some thought into what you are texting.
  5. Don’t argue or become defensive in a text. Texting in the heat of the moment can come back to bite you at a later date. Call them if you need to vent with them,
  6. Do not send dick pics or any nude photos! Please be smart and think about where they could end up!
  7. Send a message with what you want to say in one text. Sending a few words and breaking it up into 5 different texts is aggravating to receive. (Even on silent, it still buzzes like crazy!)
  8. Be careful not to text someone frequently and then stop without an explanation. It’s always better to be honest and tell them why than to leave them hanging and wondering what happened. Human decency goes a long way!

Now that we have covered the basic texting etiquette, let’s move on to the topic of this week’s post:

5 Types of Serial Texters

#1 – Texting Someone When You Are In a New Relationship

Text etiquette is very important when you are getting to know someone. You want to text just enough to keep them interested. Be clever in how you deliver your messages to them. Over-texting can be very annoying and also come across as stalkerish!

  • Don’t be cryptic with what you are saying. No one wants to play a guessing game and try to analyze what you are thinking.
  • Confidence is a turn-on, but cockiness isn’t. Your texts should be kind and thoughtful. Many insecurities come from bad-mannered texting
  • Not texting them for days or when they are waiting for a response is not very respectful. Playing hard to get will backfire on you.
  • If you like them, don’t take too long to plan a date with them. They may not only be texting with you.
  • A little text flirting is great, but be careful with the sex talk too early.
  • Be creative and fun so that they look forward to your texts.
  • Plan more dates and less texting. Talking face-to-face is the best way to get to know each other.

#2 – The Serial Texter That Never Goes Out On A date

These texters are so annoying! Do not engage in repetitive texting and empty promises. Most of these people are catfishing. They enjoy putting you on hold for months. They never really have any intentions of asking you out!

Some of these serial texters go so far as to gain your trust so they can ask for money. I still can’t believe that people actually hand over cash to someone they have never met! Do not become vulnerable and fall for these sob stories. They are actors/con artists and nothing else!

#3 – The Long Distance Serial Texter

You are now dating someone long-distance. You rely on text messages throughout the week to keep you connected. This is a good thing to some degree, but you need to be innovative with how you do this.

Don’t bombard them all day long with basic/boring questions: “How are you?” “What’s new?” “How did you sleep?” This will eventually dim the excitement of them wanting to hear from you. You are also interrupting their time at work, which could become a problem for them.

It is much better to Facetime each other when you both have time during the day or evening. Seeing them is always much more appealing and keeps you connected. Hearing their voice is better than reading a bunch of convoluted messages via text.

Long-distance dating is not easy. It can work well if you are both on the same romantic and communicative page.

#4 – Drunk Serial Texting!

Who hasn’t been guilty of doing this at least once in their lives?? You wake up bolt-upright with this nagging feeling that something happened last night, but you’re not sure what. You eventually check your phone and see the last text you sent is open in your messages.

Oh shit…

You sent it at 2 am. You thought you were being as sexy as hell with your booty call suggestion, and even completed it with photos! You instantly want to get up and projectile vomit all the embarrassment out of your body. Even your text comes across as slurred and inebriated!

Ugggggghh! This isn’t the first time this has happened. Your confidence is a no-show when you are sober, but comes to the party big time when you have liquid courage! Dating can be nerve-wracking for many people who are on the introverted side. They aren’t quite sure how to get attention from someone they are interested in. The bottom line is to always be your authentic self and put away the alcohol when texting!

Photo by Photo By:

#5 – Serial Text Stalking Your EX!

You got dumped and you are crushed! Your heart goes into overdrive and your intelligence and common sense go right out the window.

How did this happen, they made a mistake! I will text them to remind them I am still here and will always love them. Maybe I didn’t tell them enough?”

If you don’t want your EX to text-stalk you, you must be very clear. Tell them why you broke up with them. Don’t assume they understand, be honest with them! You owe them that much.

If you don’t get proper closure from your EX, you will be left wondering why they ended things with you. This can mess with even the sanest of minds! Relationship rejection does funny things to our normal thinking and can cause debilitating heartbreak to even the most secure person.

If you are having a difficult time not texting your Ex , it is in your best interest to block their number. Taking them off of all your social media is also important. The less you see what they are up to, the less you will be thinking about them. Out of sight, out of mind can really work when it comes to breakups. Take away all temptation!

Be careful with what you post online during the early stages of a breakup. Angry texts have a way of making their way through many social media platforms. Allow yourself time to grieve the loss of your partnership before you vent. Respecting yourself first is very important. You can’t make someone love you, but you can move on with class and find a more suitable partner.

So there you have it. The 5 types of serial texters to be aware of.

Some men and women just really don’t understand the impact of serial texting. It can quickly end the excitement of a potential partnership. There is no mystery, it’s all laid out on the phone in repetitive texts that leave nothing to the imagination! Slow down and get to know someone organically. Make a date and get off your phone for a few hours.

Thank you for visiting here today, Sybersue xo ❤️

Questions for Sybersue? Please message me at [email protected] to make a video/audio appointment within 24 hours.

Sybersue xo

Susan McCord @ Dear Syberue Advice Show

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